an alphabetical list of words relating to a specific subject, text, or dialect, with explanations; a brief dictionary.


*because we make success accessible for everyone at the workplace*

people operations
Think HR, but elevated. People Operations covers all business functions that have the person as their central objective. Talent Acquisition, People Management, Employee Retention & Development, and Company Culture are all incorporated in People Operations and together they form the full spectrum of services SUCCESSIBLE offers to our partners.
talent acquisition
Not to be confused with Recruitment, which is only a part of this complicated process. It also includes candidate management, onboarding, stakeholder training and stakeholder management, strategic recruitment planning, and employer branding. It is an ongoing process that does not end with a successful hire. Talent acquisition stakeholders can be recruiters, HR professionals, business owners or C-level executives, financial decision-makers, team managers, and team members. The unique perspective of each of the above is important and very much needed, in order to attract and recruit the best-suited candidates and to make long-lasting hires.
people & culture
See people management and employee retention.
people management
This is the hugely impactful and gratifying process of managing teams and employee performance. This includes selecting new hires and training them, creating and developing teams, supporting team members, offering and receiving feedback, evaluating performance, designing personal development plans, rewarding and compensating employees, and everything related to how one does their job.
employee retention
It refers to the actions a business takes to keep all the good people they worked hard to hire. The right people need to be in the right roles, and there needs to be a culture that is supportive, accepting, and empowering. One good person cannot influence much, if not supported by a strong culture. An impressive culture on paper will not produce any results, if people do not act accordingly. Employee Retention is concerned with every aspect of one’s working conditions. From the chair they sit on, to their overall motivation or lack thereof, and everything in between.
employer branding
This relatively new, but powerful concept, is centred around the idea of building a strategy for externally communicating the realities of working in a company, the successes as well as the setbacks, the real people, the real stories. This practice will help the company’s audience to identify with it, which, in return, will have a positive impact on all operations, from reducing recruitment costs, to contributing to the achievement of growth goals.
talent umbrella management (TUM) model
The best story for any Employer Branding professional. This innovative model proposes the creation of a management function with primary responsibility to overlook Talent Acquisition, People Management, Employee Retention & Development, and Company Culture, so that these business areas are optimised and aligned, both in goals and in processes. Setting an umbrella strategy for all people operations will result in high-quality experiences and smooth journeys for employees and candidates alike. This is achieved through the offering of a positive recruitment experience, inspiring culture, collaborative and empowering work environment, career development and personal development opportunities, clear communication and transparency, support, and opportunities for success. The adoption of this model will establish any business as a highly desirable and successful employer, with the benefits being seemingly uncapped.
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