You may think it's |
But if you think about it,
it's really your people.

Services for Businesses


offers professional services that are tailored to fit the unique needs of your business, and which will help you achieve your development goals.

You will set the objective:

Hire the best-suited candidates for your business

Retain and develop top talent and reduce costs associated with re-hiring and re-training

Develop an inspiring company culture and implement your values in all aspects of business

Manage teams and employee performance effectively

Optimise workflows and develop management structure

Eliminate the need for recruitment agencies and reduce recruitment costs

Develop, train, and manage a recruitment team

Establish your business as a highly desirable employer

Whatever your objective, we will work together through a collaborative approach that incorporates change management, project management, one-to-one meetings, seminars, and process development, aiming to form a flexible, human-centric work environment, with reduced stress levels, high satisfaction rate, and significantly increased productivity and efficiency.
Talent Acquisition

Our services include:

  • Recruitment Support. We support you at every stage of a recruitment cycle.
    • You gain time, hire the best-suited candidates, reduce cost associated with recruitment agencies, and start your employer branding journey with top tier candidate management.
  • Process Development. We work with you to develop and establish all your talent acquisition processes.
    • You gain best-in-class talent acquisition workflow for striking improvement in hiring efficiency, hiring quality, and hiring velocity.
  • Recruitment Team Training. We provide your team with expert understanding of the trade and the knowledge of how to manage the recruitment process consistently and effectively.
    • You gain a distinct advantage in a difficult sector that is characterised by the absence of professional knowledge and practice, and you advance your employer branding journey.
  • Recruitment Team Management. We manage your recruitment team while you are looking to hire your next business leader, or as a permanent partnership.
    • You gain the advantage of a professionally managed team for evident results in hiring quality, team morale and retention, and efficiency.
  • Recruitment Management Training. We work together with your recruitment leader to equip them with the skills they need to develop and manage a high-performance team.
    • You gain a trained business leader who will keep your people motivated and productive, and will help you achieve your development goals.
  • Talent Acquisition Life Cycle. This is the complete talent acquisition service pack that includes the development of a new recruitment team or the large-scale revamp of an existing department, the development of mid-/long-term talent acquisition strategy, recruitment training, process development, research and selection of recruitment tools and software, all tailored to fit the unique needs of your business.
    • You gain a top tier recruitment department, and you complete the first step towards becoming a market leader in people management.
  • Talent Acquisition Tailored: Contact us today to discuss your business needs and your goals, and we will determine together the services that suit you best.


People & Culture

Our services include:

  • Team & Performance Management. We partner with you to offer professional management services that will help your people stay positive, perform higher, and develop professionally and personally.
    • You gain time, much improved performance, drama-free teams, increased loyalty, and the pleasure of knowing you are doing it right.
  • Employee Retention Strategy. We know how you feel about this one. We create the circumstances that inspire loyalty and positive action among your workforce.
    • You lose something very important: a weight off your shoulders! You gain stronger team feeling, better collaboration, talent that will evolve alongside and within the company, higher levels of productivity, reduced cost from re-hiring and re-training. The list goes on.
  • Company Culture. We guide you in the development of a company culture that suits you and helps you achieve your growth goals. Most importantly, we help you translate culture into action.
    • You gain a coherent way of doing things internally and of dealing with clients, and the chance to provide your people with a stable work environment that inspires security and confidence.
  • Process Improvement. We partner with your leaders and your team members to create an efficient work framework that facilitates everyone to do their best work.
    • You gain increased efficiency, clarity among team members, better collaboration, and time. Your clients will see the difference, too!
  • People & Culture Life Cycle. This is the complete People & Culture service pack that includes the assessment and improvement of all internal processes and structures, including culture, retention, management, and workflows. We aim to develop a new work framework that centres around the person and establishes the circumstances for impressively better results across the business.
    • You gain a collaborative program that inspires confidence in the business, eliminates Sunday blues, and empowers every team member to do their best work. It can’t get better than this!
  • People & Culture Tailored. Contact us today to discuss your business needs and your goals, and we will determine together the services that suit you best.


Employer Branding

This relatively new, but powerful concept, is centred around the idea of building a strategy for externally communicating the realities of working in a company, the successes as well as the setbacks, the real people, the real stories.

We partner with your business leaders and your team members to identify all those stories that need to be told, be it fun or tough. Together with your marketing team, in house or agency, we let the world know who you are and help your audience to identify with you.

  • You attract the strongest candidates in the market and reduce hiring time and cost.
  • You attract your target clients, thus boosting sales and increasing income.
  • You get established as a highly desirable employer and partner.

Since Employer Branding is often miscommunicated as “write down your values and let the world know”, it is important to note that culture as a generic theme, without practical applications in Talent Acquisition, People & Culture, and all other operations, as well as accountability, is only less than half the story.

If you want to learn how SUCCESSIBLE can help you improve people operations, click on the Talent Acquisition and People &; Culture sections above.


Protect your business from the Great Resignation wave and establish yourself as a highly desirable employer.

Create an umbrella management function to encompass talent acquisition, people management, employee retention & development and company culture, and adopt innovative practices that differentiate from traditional HR.

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